
Cambria Green Special Area Plan

The 3,000 hectare Cambria Green mega-development would create a private town, with its own airfield north of Swansea on Tasmania’s east coast. This mega-rezone would carve out the whole area from Tasmania’s Planning Scheme, giving special status to this huge development in a regional part of Tasmania.

The special area plan that would re-zone 3,000ha of farmland and bushland at Cambria Green on Tasmania’s East Coast is currently before the Tasmanian Planning Commission (TPC) (August 2022).

It has not been smooth sailing for this proposal, with an appearance in the Supreme Court on administrative grounds in 2019 and significant community opposition.

The proponent has been allowed to submit a substantially modified plan for consideration during the hearings.

If approved by the TPC, the altered plan would be released for public comment, and potentially subject to further challenges. If the TPC rejects the plan, the project fails, pending further challenges at the Tasmanian Supreme Court.

The East Coast Alliance has fought hard against this proposal with resourcing from the TCT and Planning Matters Alliance Tasmania. ECA argues that the plan is contrary to the state’s regional land use strategy and would significantly impact biodiversity, agriculture, coastal zones, water use, heritage, road safety and the residents of Swansea and Dolphin Sands.

You can find out how to get involved on the ECA’s website.