UTG's "New Ethic" 1974

“We, citizens of Tasmania and members of the United Tasmania Group, United in a global movement for survival;

Concerned for the dignity of man and the value of his cultural heritage while rejecting any view of man which gives him the right to exploit all of nature;

Moved by the need for a new ethic which unite man with nature to prevent the collapse of the life support systems of the earth;

Rejecting all exclusive ideological and pragmatic views of society as partial and divisive;

Condemning the misuse of power for individual or group prominence based on aggression against man or nature;

Shunning the acquisition and display of individual wealth as an expression of greed for status or power;

While acknowledging that Tasmania is uniquely favoured with natural resources, climate, form and beauty;

Undertake to live our private and communal lives in such a way that we maintain Tasmania’s form and beauty for our own enjoyment and for the enjoyment of our children through unlimited generations;

Undertake to create aesthetic harmony between our human structures and the natural landscape where our individual and communal needs demand modification to the natural environment;

Undertake to regulate our individual and communal needs for resources, both living and non-living, while preventing the wholesale extraction of our non-replenishable resources for the satisfaction of the desire for profit;

Undertake to husband and cherish Tasmania’s resources so that we do minimum damage to the web of life of which we are part while preventing the extinction or serious depletion of any form of life by our individual, group, or communal action;


Create new institutions so that all who wish may participate in making laws and decisions at all levels concerning the social, cultural, political and economic life of the community;

Provide institutions for the peaceful and unimpeded evolution of the community and for the maintenance of justice and equal opportunity of all people;

Change our society and our culture to prevent a tyranny of rationality, at the expense of values, by which we may lose the unique adaptability of our species for meeting cultural and environmental change;

Prevent alienation of people in their social and work roles and functions while making scientific, technical and vocational knowledge and practice free and open to all;

Create a new community in which men and women shall be valued for their personal skills, for the material and non-material worth of these skills to groups and the whole community, and for their non-competitive achievement in all aspects of life;

Live as equal members of our society to maintain a community governed by rational, non-sectional law;

Preserve specific areas of private and group life where private thought, speech, and action is of individual or group importance and does not interfere unreasonably with others;

And vest our individual and communal rights in a parliament of representatives chosen by all to enforce our law for as long as that power is not used unfairly to advantage or disadvantage any individual or group in the community.”

Written in 1974 by UTG.